Waypoint | Using technology to help businesses find a better way

Using technology to help businesses find a better way

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About Us

Founded in Denver, CO in 2020, Waypoint Group, LLC (Waypoint) offers a variety of technology services and products that enable your business to successfully navigate modern challenges.

Our Experience

We bring a unique skill set and approach that focuses designing and managing technology efforts with measurable results that aim to give you a competitive advantage.

Our Products

We also offer products that solve industry-wide challenges by addressing the needs of multiple organizations.

Our Philosophy

Unlike other technology firms that may offer advice or solutions and then disappear, we partner with our clients for the long-term to act as a trusted extension of their core team.

Our Team

Donald Halloran

Donald Halloran


Donald is a career technology professional who has spent the last three decades focusing on bridging the gap between IT and business. He has led the IT departments for multiple organizations in a variety of industries and has driven transformational change. On top of his corporate career, Don has also served as a part-time Professor at the University of Denver for twenty years, where he designed and taught classes focused on technology strategy, execution, and leadership. He is currently in the final stage of the Executive Ph.D. program at the Daniels College of Business where he is researching the drivers and impacts of technology decisions in business.

Mick Hill

Mike "Mick" Hill


Mick brings over 20 years of experience across multiple industries such as financial, consumer, telecommunications, cable and media, and manufacturing and brings extensive knowledge of enterprise architecture and design. He has worked with a range of customers from startups, large organizations to government agencies. Known for clean designs and creative solutions, companies have looked to him to design solutions that fit their existing infrastructure utilizing the latest technology. Mick is a Colorado native who enjoys the outdoors, traveling and spending time with his family.

Our Services

Technology Consulting

Waypoint can analyze your business goals and evaluate how you can use technology to achieve them. Whether it be a system selection, a buy vs. build decision, or providing a multi-year technology roadmap, we offer the expert advice and the team to execute your strategy to achieve a competitive advantage.

Custom Software Design & Development

For those situations where an off-the-shelf solution won’t meet your unique needs, we off complete design and development services for software applications that meet the highest quality standards. We can also support those solutions for their full lifecycle to ensure they continue to evolve with your business needs.

Busines Intelligence & AI

In today’s business environment, being able to quickly understand what is happening in your business and your market can be the difference between success and failure. Whether it is selecting your business intelligence (BI) tools, or taking them to the next level with the use of artificial intelligence, Waypoint can help you get the visibility you need to make fast and effective business decisions.

Existing Product Suite

Ask about our exisitng product suite of software applications. We own and license specialized software solutions that are used by a variety of organizations to fill the gaps that larger solutions fail to meet.

Contact Us

We would love to hear how we can assist you. If you have a project you would like to discuss, get in touch with us.

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+1 (303) 807-9165